Saturday, October 2, 2010


Sculpture Cluster on my deck
Passing Tubes, First Buddha, Box Turtle, Izzy the Iguana
All from Recycled clay except Passing Tubes is of Sculpure clay


Hooded Planter
15" Tall, 13" Wide
Recycled clay high fired
Hand-built of coils with pinched texture
Glazed interior and rim (Red Not)
Exterior glazed and rubbed off


Passing Tubes
28" Tall, 15" Wide
Sculpture clay high fired
Built hollow with internal clay braces
Textured Glazed bottom (Red Not)
Tubes treated with Iron Oxide


Box Turtle
Hand-built, life size
Recycled clay fired to Cone 06
Treated with various concentrations of Red Iron Oxide


38.5" Tall, 16" Wide
Sculpture clay, bisqued (to Cone 06) only.
Treated with Red Iron Oxide, then painted with acrylics and sprayed with clear acrylic lacquer.


Post-partum Young Latina
3/4 Life-size, 20" Tall
Built hollow, no armature
Sculpture clay fired to Cone 06
Treated with various oxides


A Stretch
Small Male Nude
16" Long, 8.5" High
Recycled clay bisqued (Cone 06) only
No finish